Jaroslav Pulicar - Pulicar
PositiF 2020
After more than twenty years, only the second book by the Brno photographer Jaroslav Pulicar (* 1954) is published. The author is one of the "least known of the well-known" Czech documentary filmmakers. His work is known to only a few insiders. We would count the author's exhibitions on the fingers of one hand, and we have even fewer texts dealing more deeply with his work. He has been considering for a long time whether he will release a photograph into the world. He knows how to do what he enjoys: being on the road, taking pictures in black and white, still on film. Jaroslav Pulicar's work is special, among other things, in how consistent and unrelenting it is. The demands placed on the photographic image are connected with his attitudes to life. With a multi-layered non-reporting moment, he grew so close that he subordinated her whole life to her. He cultivates subjective momentary photography as a demanding relationship with the world.
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