Andreas Trogisch - Replies
Peperoni Books 2014
Andreas Trogisch is not only a discoverer, as a photographer he is a discovery! In the past 35 years he has created an extensive body of work, but nobody knew until a few years from now. In 2010 we started to publish his work, 6 consecutive photo folders explored the fabulous world of his imagery presented under names such as "Magico", "Desiderata" or "Asphalt". The folders came with a print run of only 100 copies each, were made available through the best addresses and were quickly sold out. \n \nThe folders are now followed by "Replies“, the big book with 138 images on 176 pages, compiled to "Thirteen small conversations". And that’s the way to read the book. Trogisch has no subject and no concept. He has just images. In front of his eyes and in his head. And he has his camera to makes new images, which then again correspond with all the images that are already there. He feels that way and we as viewers, too. \n \nThe pictures were taken at many different places around the world. Indoor and outdoor shots, landscapes, trees, houses, people, stills, close-ups - so simple, just like that. Not abstract and yet so mysterious. Easy to read and yet never fully understandable. As our lives. - Hannes Wanderer
Hardcover, silkscreen print, edition of 350
Text in English and German.