Andreas Rost - 3. Oktober 90
Wasmuth Verlag 2020
Through the lens of his camera, photographer Andreas Rost looks at the watch on a man's arm: it is five past twelve. On the night of October 3, 1990, when the masses gathered at the Brandenburg Gate to celebrate this accession, he took photos like hundreds of other people there. With a powerful flash and, as they say in Berlin, "go for it"... Rost saw himself early on as a big-city photographer, who visits the city where it comes into its own most clearly: on the edges of its social topography. In the places where emotions are released, which are also places where masses accumulate. He has been everywhere. At all kinds of demonstrations, at shareholders' meetings, porn trade fairs, love parades, car shows, on beer streets or at meetings of Christian fundamentalists. All places where the most diverse archaic drives can be sublimated in a consumerist or ideological way. Rost reacts to the suggestion of the masses with suggestive images. - From the foreword by Matthias Flügge
ISBN: 978 3 8030 3412 0
Format: 24 x 33 cm, paperback
Edition: 1st edition, German language